Thursday, December 25, 2008

Joy to the World

A Joyous and Merry Christmas to One & All! Another beautiful and uplifting Midnight Mass at St. Joseph's Cathedral. Truly the splendor and majesty befitting the King of Kings. The Gospel tells us the the infant Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothing. The one who puts the stars in their proper order, who sees to it that the sun rises, that the rain falls, who knows every single hair on your head is placed in a manger, a trough where animals feed from. He is bound up, tied, restricted, in the clothing that he wears. His love and mercy however are boundless. He will one day be stripped of his clothes and given a crown of thorns. He came to seek and save what was lost. On this day we remember the timeless story of a Mother and Child that is etched into our minds forever. We recall the 90 mile journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, that there is no place for them but a stable, where the animals are kept. A child is born, angels proclaim his glory, shepherds kneeling in reverence. ...for today a Savior is born... Have a Blessed and Happy time with friends and family.
Joy to the world, the Lord has come!

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