Monday, December 22, 2008

The King of Glory

Gates, lift up your heads! Stand erect, ancient doors, and let in the King of Glory. Psalm 23:7 Thoughts always seem to run rapidly through my mind. Sometimes I can hold on to them, other times they are so very fleeting, yet other times they are like a link in a chain that has slipped through my hands, not knowing what happened to them. We had a wonderful visit with our son yesterday and we are grateful that our Lord has blessed us with him. Our prayer for him and the other novices is that they grow in their love and devotion, and that they reach the spiritual azimuth necessary to be true disciples of Christ. The message of Advent is an important message. The Church waits in anticipation for the King of Glory to arrive but heeds that we prepare ourselves. We are in need of daily conversion all the days of our lives. Have we examined ourselves and asked if we truly are ready to receive this greatest of gifts? Are the doors of our lives only partially opened? Have we forgotten to place a spread out for his arrival, a spread from our very hearts? Do we exhibit the joy and hospitality required for such a special guest? Does this hospitality pour out to all those we meet, especially those in need? Have we gone to our father and confessed our sinfulness and allowing for his love and mercy to absolve us and renew us? There may be work to do yet. I know there is for me. Let us stand erect like those ancient doors and "Let in the King of Glory"

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