Monday, May 11, 2009

United With The One Who is Holy

This Redemption, the actual Redemption...How are we redeemed? We are redeemed thus: we are incorporated in one who is infinitely holy, in one who is infinitely pure, and whose holiness, whose justice, whose purity becomes ours, because we are his. Dom Anscar Vonier, O.S.B.
We are saved because of Jesus, and we live as heirs to the Father if and only if we abide in Him. Thus the idea that we could have a singular isolated relationship with the Father, detached from Christ, is of course untrue. A vine weaves its way attaching itself to all that strengthens it and aids in its growth, dead branches are of no use and must be pruned. Jesus said "He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him." It is through the sacraments and in particular the Eucharist in which we are sanctified to participate in becoming incorporated into Christ, the Vine. During this Easter time as we we experience the beauty and splendor of Spring, reminded of the the Risen Lord let us do all to prune off those things that are a part of our life that do not produce fruit and be renewed in the fact that in abiding with Christ we are redeemed, unity with holiness and mercy.

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