Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Happy Mothers Day to all mothers out there and for me personally to my own mom. I would like to digress here just to make a brief point. I am one of those people who am appalled by the fact that there is no sacredness to one's privacy. From the "bear your soul" talk shows to people who share intimate information while talking on a cell phone at the supermarket. Most of the time it is one of two things: either the need to call attention to oneself or just plain ignorance. There is a private side to our lives, sometimes it is a "struggle" that we deal with, some times it is what Jesus spoke about when he said, "do not let the right hand know what the left hand is doing," a desire to help others with no need or requirement for recognition. There are countless people who give day in and day out and remain in the background never recognized. That being said I would like to share with you a little about my mom. My mother is 85 years old, in the past 20 years or so I have seen her perhaps a dozen times or so, if that. She and my dad live a good distance away. My mom was a very caring mother, who gave her all in raising the five of us. She was extremely intelligent even though her education did not go past high school. She was an excellent cook and taught me how to cook and more importantly how to love to cook. My mom worried all the time about us children, except that she told me once that she did not worry about me, that I would be successful no matter what I did. I regret that my travels have taken me so far away and that my children have obviously had a limited relationship with her. That was a choice I made. I am grateful for her and pray for her. I may not have said this to you enough mom, thank you for everything, I love you.

1 comment:

TLW said...

I feel safe in saying that your mother raised you well and the virtuous life you lead is the best possible testament to her love for you. May God bless her on this special day and every day.