Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Make No Mistake He is A King

The Gospels show us many sides of Jesus. It is obvious that he is compassionate and loving to those who he ministered to. He shows his wisdom in the parables and the many times he out wits those who tried to trap him. He is a true friend to his disciples. In all the ways he revealed himself including his death and resurrection we see the boundless love for all of us. We tend to forget at times that He is a King. The wise men knew it and came bearing gifts for a King. Pilate knew it also in a strange way. Jesus is a King. He has Royal Blood and it ran from his side while he hung upon a cross. He was born in animal stable while Caesar slept in his palace, yet it is He who is King. He was fitted with a Crown of Thorns and spat upon but He is King. He is the most Righteous King and as we profess every time we say our creed, His Kingdom will last forever. At every Mass that you ever attend you are in a Royal Palace awaiting the precise moment when you are to be received by a King. The Greatest King, the King of Everything and All Things. When you process up to receive the Holy Eucharist, the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus the King, focus on seeing Him standing there in all His most majestic & royal clothing. Bow with honor and respect before the King! Make no mistake He is a King.

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